When Is A Levee Permit Required?

No construction within six feet of the landside toe of any levee is allowed. Applicants may request that SLFPA – West review their requests. Each request must fully comply with all plan requirements to enable adequate review of the request.

  • Any crossing of any levee requires a permit.
  • Any construction that includes excavation within 300 feet of any levee/floodwall within the Authority’s jurisdiction must be reviewed by SLFPA – West. Depending on the scope of excavation, permission will be granted with either a Letter of No Objection or a permit.
    • Examples: Demolition of a structure, excavation for foundation or utilities and fences, and excavation for trees or large shrubbery.
    • No fees are charged for a Letter of No Objection.
  • Any construction involving major excavation within 1,500 feet of any Mississippi River levee within the SLFPA—West jurisdiction requires a permit.
    • Examples include: Driving of foundation piles, or construction of in-ground swimming pool or the drilling of soil borings or oil/gas wells.
    • All of these actions would require a permit from the Authority, through either the West Jefferson Levee District or the Algiers Levee District.
  • Citizens and companies wishing to perform work near or upon the levee system must apply for a permit.